Coordinates the preparation of annual budget estimates.
Provides progress reports on the implementation of the IADA program / project in accordance with the schedule set out in the PMS program.
Update IADA program / project data / information.
IADA project monitoring coordinator.
Plan coordinator and disaster management actions
Provides budget estimates for the Planning and Development Division and controls the approved budget allocations.
Secretariat in preparing budget estimates and projected expenditures for all IADA Component Divisions.
Planning, coordinating, overseeing IADA Penang's infrastructure development projects.
Coordinates the preparation of monthly expenditure and physical performance reports (PMS Reports), IADA quarterly and annual reports from all components and divisions.
Updating records / reports The Physical Achievement of IADA Projects.
Responsible for providing project information or project proposal according to need / direction.
Secretariat plans and actions of emergency / disaster management at the IADA level of Penang.
To coordinate information on infectious disease propagation data and crop pests.
Managing the preparation of data into the Geospatial Information System of Rice.
Coordinate information on the Production of Rice Production Investigation (PPP) data for each season.
Preparation, implementation of data and information related to Steel Questionnaire (BSSB).
Secretariat of information systems related to the development of the rice crop industry.
Provide support in providing printing information on the relevant rice cultivation industry.